IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample (Package 3)

Here are some samples of IELTS Writing Task 1 which will help you prepare for the test. If you haven't read our post on Writing Task 1 material, you can find it here

Line Graph
The line graph presents the amount of beverages consumed in Canada in a 20 year period commencing from the year of 1990. The consumption is measured in millions of liter per week. In general, there had been a significant decrease in the proportion of milk consumption, while the consumption of Pepsi  indicates an upward trend.

In 1990, there were a lot of people drinking milk, consuming almost 36 millions of liters per week. Within a decade, the number decreased by 10 millions of liter per week. The consumption slightly decreased for another ten years, and leveled off until the end of the period.

In contrary, the consumption of Pepsi only made up 26 millions of liter per week in 1990. Two decades later, the number witnessed a slight increase and represented around 28 millions of liter consumption per week. The amount of Pepsi being consumed in Canada experienced a sudden leap in the year of 2005, and finally reached its peak five years later. In the year of 2010, there were more than 36 millions liter of Pepsi being consumed weekly.

Pie Chart

The pie chart gives information about the advantages and disadvantages of visiting Halifaz. It is quite noticeable that the tourists really love the scenery. However, it is also inevitable that the high living cost still becomes a major drawback of the area.

The first pie chart illustrates some problems that the people have to deal with when staying in Halifaz. Living expenses is too high for the people to cover, contributing almost 50% downside. The lack of entertainment becomes another reason why visitors are dissatisfied, making up a third of the overall drawback. Regardless, the weather is not really that bad in Halifaz, contributing only one fifth of the overall downside. Food quality accounts for 5% only, and is not the major problem that deter tourism in the area.

The other pie chart provides some evidence that Halifaz is actually a wonderful tourism destination, despite all the disadvantages aforementioned. Aside from 40% competitive age which goes to the people, Halifaz has a beautiful panorama which attracts tourists. The scenery is the second main reason why visitors love the town, and its percentage is just a little below 40%. Accommodation and culture also become the edge of Halifaz, the former accounts for 11%, the latter is more by 1%.

Bar Graph

The bar graph shows the amount of men's and women's daily calories from fast food in 2015. Units are measured in percentage. It can be clearly seen that the consumption of fast food kept decreasing as people grow older.

Members of 18-34 age group indicate the highest percentage. Women had 16% daily calories from fast food, while men's percentage was slightly higher. As the people reached their 40's and 50's, the consumption was almost reduced by a half. Women's percentage of daily calories from fast food in this age group was somehow still lower than men's.

In 50-64 age group, both men and women had less than 10% daily calories from fast food, with men's percentage being 1% higher. Men and women who were 65 or older had the lowest percentage of daily calories from fast food, making up 5% and 3% daily calories respectively.


The table delineates the change in the number of Canadian, German and British citizens aged 65 and above in 1998 and 2000, as well as its future projection  in 2030. Units are measured in percentage. At glance, the population of elderly shows an upward trend.

In 1990, Canadians whose age was 65 or above only made up 16.32%. Twelve years later, the number increased by a quarter. It is estimated that the percentage of people from this age group will reach 26.35 in 2030.

Germany is the country with the highest number of elder people. In 1990, 20.45% of the whole German population belong to 65-or-above age group. The number experiences 5% growth in 2000. By the year of 2030, this age number will represent one third of German citizens.

In UK, people who were aged 65 or above only accounted for 14.23%. The number did not undergo any significant change in 2000. However, it is predicted that 65-or-above age group will constitute one fifth of UK population a decade later.


The map portrays the layout of a city and its transformation. It can easily be recognized that the city is now more modernized.

The city has a main road stretching from north to south. In the middle of the city, there was a housing. In tbe present days, the road is extended because two new units of houses are built in the western part of the city. There is also a main road which stretches from the east to west, located near the sea. In the T-junction of these roads, there is a cafe which remains unchanged. Across the cafe, a hotel which now has a parking lot.

In 1995, there was a farm land in the north eastern region of the city. In the preset days, the farm land turns into a golf park. A small proportion of the forest park located in the south of the farm land now becomes a tennis court.  Moving to the southern region, the fishing port which was located near the sea is now demolished. The fish market which was close to the fishing port has transformed into apartmets. Several shops across the fish market now become a restaurant.


The picture illustrates several steps by which chocolate is produced. There are ten stages in the process.

The initial six stages of chocolate production take place in the plantation. Firstly, the red ripe pods are harvested from the plantation. These pods are produced by cocoa tree which can be found in South America, Africa and Indonesia. After that, the white beans are taken out of the pods. These beans will get to the fermentation process, before being naturally dried by the help of sunlight. The dried and fermented beans are put in sacks and then delievered to the factory.

The other three stages of chocolate production takes place in a factory. The cocoa beans which were transported from the plantation are roasted. This stage requires an extremely high temperature, reaching 350 degree Celcius. After the roasting stage, the beans will be be crushed in order to separate the inner part of the beans from the outer shell. Lastly, the inner part will be pressed to produce liquid chocolate.

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