The table compares the main funding sources for US international students in 2003/04 and 2013/14. There were five sources of funding for students, and it was shown that there had been some changes in terms of the total number of the recipient. Grant given by Foreign Government/University and current employer indicate a growing number of recipient, while the number of students covered by the other three college funding had experienced a downfall.
There were more and more students receiving grant from Foreign Government/University and current employer. The number of students who were funded by Foreign Government or University quintupled in the 2013/14, comprising of more than 66.000 recipients. Likewise, the number of funding recipients from current employer quadrupled in the second period, reaching almost 50.000 scholarship holders. The increase of these two funding sources were almost 400%, representing the highest percentage of change from 2003/04 to 2013/14 period.
Personal family used to cover 67% of US international students. The number witnessed 2% decrease in the following period, and now covered 574.129 students. The same trend is also shown by US College or University and Other funding source, which experienced 4% and 2% decrease respectively. US College or University was the second highest funding source, representing 134.015 students in 2003/04 and 171.218 students in 2013/14. Overall, the total number of international students in US who got funding generally increased by 55%.
Pie Charts
The pie charts compare household spending in Japan and Malaysia in the year of 2010. In general, people in Japan spent a significant amount of money on transportation, while Malaysians highest expenditure was on housing.
Japanese citizens spent almost a third of their money for other goods and services. The percentage of spending on food was also high, just below 25% of the total expenditure. Moreover, the needs for housing and transportation made up around 40%, while only 6% of Japanese expense was allocated for health care.
On the other hand, Malaysians allocated a considerable amount of money for housing, 13% higher than Japanese's. Other goods and services as well as food became the second highest expense in Malaysia, accounting for 26% and 27% respectively. Spending on healthcare and transport in Japan is two times higher than Malaysian's, and considerably low compared to other expenditure.
Line Graph
Pie Charts
The pie charts compare household spending in Japan and Malaysia in the year of 2010. In general, people in Japan spent a significant amount of money on transportation, while Malaysians highest expenditure was on housing.
Japanese citizens spent almost a third of their money for other goods and services. The percentage of spending on food was also high, just below 25% of the total expenditure. Moreover, the needs for housing and transportation made up around 40%, while only 6% of Japanese expense was allocated for health care.
On the other hand, Malaysians allocated a considerable amount of money for housing, 13% higher than Japanese's. Other goods and services as well as food became the second highest expense in Malaysia, accounting for 26% and 27% respectively. Spending on healthcare and transport in Japan is two times higher than Malaysian's, and considerably low compared to other expenditure.
Line Graph
The line graph explains the sales of gold in Dubai in the year of 2002. In general, the data indicates that the annual sales of gold was fluctuating.
In January, the sales of gold was on average 200 millions of Dirhams. It gradually rose and witnessed an increase of 150 millions of Dirhams two months later. However, the sales plummeted and reached its lower point in July, just above 100 millions of Dirhams.
The sales then slightly increased to 200 millions of Dirhams in August, although it fell to its initial point in September. In October, the sales indicated a positive trend and almost doubled. The sales showed a steady growth by the end of the year. In December, the sales was a little below 200 millions of Dirhams.
Bar Graph
The bar graph shows a number of species which are considered as endangered in a four year period starting from 2012. The population is presented in thousands. Overall, the population of endangered tanned zombie increased over years. Carbon tiger and blue monkey population indicate ups and downs.
In 2012, there were around 1000 tanned zombie. The number constantly increased and by the end of the period, the population comprised of almost 8000 tanned zombies. The growth of tanned zombie population was really striking in 2016.
There were only 4000 carbon tiger in 2012. The number witnessed 2000 growth one year later. In 2013, the population did not undergo any change. However, the population steadily decreased in the last two years and reached its lowest point of approximately 2000 carbon tigers. There were almost 6000 blue monkeys at the beginning of the period. The number slightly increased one year later. It then experienced a constant fall in the last three years.
The picture explains the process of producing biodiesel. The process is a never-ending energy cycle which involves both natural and artificial components.
First of all, oil crops absorb carbon dioxide released by vehicles to do photosynthesis by the help of sunlight. The photosynthesis enables the crop to produce seeds. These seeds are then extracted and become crude vegetable oil. Before going to the next stage, the crude oil has to be refined so that it turned into refined vegetable oil.
After the refinery process, the oil is going through transesterification, in which alcohol is added. This process produces both glycerol and biodiesel. Glycerol is used in food and cosmetic industry, while biodiesel is used as fuel for vehicles. The consumption of biodiesel by the vehicle will produce carbon dioxide which is used for photosynthesis, and the process will start all over again.
The map illustrates the transformation of an island before and after tourism facilities are being constructed. There have been some major changes to the island, especially the area which is close to the beach.
The island used to be an open space with some coconut trees. After it becomes a tourism destination, a pier is built to give access to the visitors who get off the boats. They can walk on vehicle track which will lead them to the reservation. There are two clusters of accommodation. The first one is located on the right hand side of the reservation, while the other cluster is on the left hand side. If the visitors go a little further, the vehicle track will get them to the restaurant which is located behind the reservation building.
The accommodation cluster which lies on the left hand of reservation building is very close to the beach. The tourist can also swim near the beach. However, people who stay in the other accommodation cluster will have to go a little further to go to the beach, by walking on footpath. Despite the changes that happen in the island, the coconut trees remain unchanged.
The accommodation cluster which lies on the left hand of reservation building is very close to the beach. The tourist can also swim near the beach. However, people who stay in the other accommodation cluster will have to go a little further to go to the beach, by walking on footpath. Despite the changes that happen in the island, the coconut trees remain unchanged.