
IELTS Writing Section (Writing Task 2)

Pada IELTS Writing Task 2, anda harus menulis argumentative writing berdasarkan topik yang telah ditentukan. Setidaknya ada 5 poin yang harus anda cover dalam Writing Task 2, diantaranya:
1.Overview (memberikan gambaran umum dengan mem-paraphrase judul asli)
2.Stating basis of argument (menentukan dasar argumen anda)
3.Giving balanced argument (memberikan argumen yang berimbang)
4.Explaining your own argument (menjelaskan argumen anda)
5.Conclusion and solution (memberikan kesimpulan dan solusi)

Langkah-langkah Mengerjakan IELTS Writing Task 2
Mari kita ambil satu contoh topik yang diberikan di Writing Task 2
Computer and internet help people in nearly all aspects of life. However, the use of computer and internet also gives negative impacts such as addiction that eventually makes people become less sociable
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this notion?

Berikan gambaran umum dengan memparaphrase topik dan memberikan beberapa keterangan tambahan
Computer and internet technology keeps developing and its advancement contribute a great deal of changes in humans’ life. One of many changes brought by computers is related to humans’ communication in which the interaction can now be mediated by internet and social media.
Jika anda merasa kesulitan mem-paraphrase topic tersebut, anda bisa menggunakan paraphrase inventory dan mem-paraphrase topic tersebut kata per kata atau frasa per frasa.
Kata dari Topik Asli
Computer and internet
Computer and internet technology
Assist, contribute
Society, members of society
Aspects of life
Life aspects
The use of computer and internet
Computer and internet use
Gives negative impacts
Has negative sides

Such as
For example, for instance
Makes people become
Turn people into
Less sociable

   Tentukan basis of argument anda
      I agree with the idea that computer can make people isolated and less sociable because really has a negative impact resulting in addiction and ignorance
   Berikan argumen yang berimbang
It is argued that this technological advancement is really beneficial. People now communicate more easily because problems regarding distance have been overcome by internet. Some people even do business by using internet, and it contributes a significant economic growth. This sophisticated technology also helps humans improve their life because computer also plays an important role in other aspects of humans’ life such as its contribution in medical world, transportation, entertainment, et cetera.
Jelaskan argumen anda dengan menyertakan contoh dan penjelasan
However, such improvement has to come with a price because computer also has negative effects on human social life. People now communicate in a virtual world and sometimes they ignore people around them. People no longer talk in a real sense but instead, they keep staring at and tapping on their gadgets. Computer also causes addiction, in which the user may not be able to stop using the device. For instance, a friend of mine is severely addicted to online game, and if he cannot use the computer and play the game for some reasons, he will start becoming unsettled. Such habit can make people become more isolated from the real world and therefore have a bad social life.

Berikan kesimpulan dan berikan solusi
In conclusion, the use of computer and internet should not intervene our social life, and thus they have to be used wisely so that the users do not get addicted and become less productive and less sociable.

Task 2 – Computer and Social Life
Computer and internet technology keeps developing and its advancement contribute a great deal of changes in humans’ life. One of many changes brought by computers is related to humans’ communication in which the interaction can now be mediated by internet and social media.  I agree with the idea that computer can make people isolated and less sociable because really has a negative impact resulting in addiction and ignorance.
It is argued that this technological advancement is really beneficial. People now communicate more easily because problems regarding distance have been overcome by internet. Some people even do business by using internet, and it contributes a significant economic growth. This sophisticated technology also helps humans improve their life because computer also plays an important role in other aspects of humans’ life such as its contribution in medical world, transportation, entertainment, et cetera.
However, such improvement has to come with a price because computer also has negative effects on human social life. People now communicate in a virtual world and sometimes they ignore people around them. People no longer talk in a real sense but instead, they keep staring at and tapping on their gadgets. Computer also causes addiction, in which the user may not be able to stop using the device. For instance, a friend of mine is severely addicted to online game, and if he cannot use the computer and play the game for some reasons, he will start becoming unsettled. Such habit can make people become more isolated from the real world and therefore have a bad social life.

In conclusion, the use of computer and internet should not intervene our social life, and thus they have to be used wisely so that the users do not get addicted and become less productive and less sociable.

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